Tuesday, 26 January 2010

The Nativity According to Ellen

Ellen tells the story of the Nativity with the aid of the almost obligatory blanket on the head and an inconveniently placed balloon. Her version is surprisingly accurate. Mostly.

Saturday, 23 January 2010

Rose at Granny and Grandpa's

Rose, busy in the way that only a 1 year-old can be.

At Work with Daddy

Ellen's first work experience included some high-powered executive colouring and some very productive strategic bin-filling, and (later in the day) the following conversation:
ELLEN: Mummy, I'm going to go to work when I am a big girl.
MUMMY: What work would you like to do?
ELLEN: Colouring.
(Nice work if you can get it...)

Monday, 18 January 2010

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Snow Angels


7.5 inches hit Oxford overnight last night. Well, we'd got away with it so far.

Story time with George

Saturday, 2 January 2010

Ellen's Puppet Show

Spam Spam Spam Spam

Currently Ellen's most very favourite thing, thanks to Uncle Pete. Anyone phoning our house is likely to get Ellen shouting "Spam Spam Bacon and Spam" down the phone at them.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Having Friends Round for Brunch

(Below, left to right): Nathaniel, Ellen, Milly and Rose.

(Below): Ellen and Milly, playing identical Marys, give simultaneous birth to the baby Jesus.

(Below): Milly and Ellen hiding from the "monster" (ie. Daddy)

Ellen and Alex

A Fairy At Rest

It's hard work being a fairy.

Rose's First Birthday - 26 December 2009

Rose's First Birthday - 26 December 2009

Jokes by Ellen

Why did the light fly in the sky?
Because it was a flying light!

Why did the elephant go to town?
Because it was funny!

(We think Mr Izzard can sleep soundly for a few more years...)