Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Name That Show

Voiceover (over theme tune): Sarah and Duck........Sarah and Duck........Sarah and Duck.
Rose: What's this called?

Name That Tune

Listening to Daddy's new CD yesterday, the following ensued:

Rose: What's this song called, Daddy?
Daddy: I don't know.
Ellen: I think it's called "Farting Nuisance".
Daddy: Er...

(Possibly something to do with the tuba...)

Sunday, 9 June 2013


This is what three hours of full-on busy-ness will do to small children!

Climbing Wall



Sorry for the poor quality of the photos!

Thursday, 6 June 2013

"The Force is strong with this one"

Mummy: Rose, it's bedtime, you need to lie down.
Rose: But the Force is doing it
Mummy: The Force is doing what?
Rose: Making me sit up!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Grandpa and Grandma

Actually I Am Four And A Half

(Photos taken 2 June 2013)

Rose and Grandpa

Beep Beep!

Having a go in Robert's new car. Good job they build these to be tough..

In the Summerhouse

...with Great Uncle Robert, desperately seeking some warmth during a very chilly barbeque.

A spot of gardening

Helping out at Grandma and Grandpa's allotment.
