Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Mark Runs 40 miles at 40

It's the Big Four-Oh for me this year, and rather than subside into my pipe and slippers I've decided to embrace my fortiness and do something a bit different. I'm going to turn my age into miles and run the Ridgeway 40 - - on Saturday 8 May 2010. This will be my longest race yet after my four marathons (mere 26.2 mile whippersnappers each of them). I see it as more of a day out than a race and hope to complete the run in about 7.5 hours.

I'm too old to party (have been for years!) so in lieu of a birthday present or any other hullaballoo I'd be greatly touched if you could sponsor me as I raise some money for the Stroke Association. As I run the race I will particularly be thinking of my Uncle Jim and Graham, Ellen and Rose's Great-Grandpa, both of whom were seriously affected by strokes.

Please sponsor and make a middle-aged man very happy!



The route:

View Ridgeway 40 Route Map in a larger map

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